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Why Prevention is Better Than Cure, 10 Ways to Stay Out of Trouble!

Why Prevention is Better Than Cure, 10 Ways to Stay Out of Trouble!

Special times, call for special measures, Prevention is better than cure

We have all heard how prevention is better than cure. If we talk about protecting ourselves against Covid-19, prevention seems to be our only option. 

With the onset of Coronavirus pandemic, the World Health Organization along with the health officials have laid down a set of guidelines. All citizens need to abide by these guidelines to break the chain and control the spread of the virus, these guidelines clearly reinforce that prevention is better than cure. However, not everyone is abiding them. As a result, the number of COVID-19 cases have skyrocketed with the total cases in the United States reaching 5.74 million

Also, there is a common misconception that only senior citizens, children and people with pre-existing medical conditions (e.g. Diabetes, High blood pressure, Heart Diseases, etc) are vulnerable to COVID-19 infection. Nevertheless, the World Health Organization has clarified that everyone is at the risk of contracting this virus. This only highlights the importance of the fact that prevention is better than cure, and will be our biggest defence against the spread of the virus.

If you are reading this you must already be aware that prevention is better than cure

prevention is better than cure

At such a time of distress, it is essential to know about the things that put us in a vulnerable position by increasing the risk of contracting the virus. 

Ten Things that might get you in trouble during the pandemic:

  • Going to the bar:

The coronavirus is highly contagious. A person already infected with COVID-19 may not get the symptoms until some days have passed. But, in this period of a few days, all the people who have been in close contact with the infected person, are already vulnerable to contracting the virus. Bars are closed places with constrained ventilation. Closed space makes it difficult for people to maintain social distancing norms. Also, while drinking, you would have to remove your face mask. Not wearing a mask in a crowded place for a prolonged period is the recipe for the spread of COVID-19. The toilets that are present at such venues are also not hygienic chiefly now, during a worldwide health crisis. Compromise of hygienic measures at this time is foolish. Travelling to the bar is another concern as not everyone owns their vehicle. The public transits are closed spaces too. Therefore, it is advisable to enjoy drinks at our own homes for now.


  • Working out at a gym: 

Even as many gyms across the country have started reopening, the question that most people are asking is if it is safe to go back. Though the opinions are varied, it is better to avoid gyms temporarily. Gyms too, like bars, are closed spaces with poor ventilation. Most of the equipment are placed next to each other which makes it difficult to maintain the social distancing norms. Sometimes, the users forget to wipe down the machines after use. Touching the hand rests or knobs while exercising is a potential threat. After working out, the gym-goers generally use the locker room bathrooms for taking a shower, drinking water and for various other factors. Another major reason to not go back to the gym is to consider the high transmission rates of infectious droplets due to the heavy breathing. Go for a walk or a run in your neighbourhood, or simply workout at home. 


  • Not wearing a face mask when stepping out:

Even after repeated warnings, most of the people are very careless about wearing masks and protective gear, like using gloves. Right now, a mask is a primary tool in the prevention of COVID-19. The virus mostly spreads through droplet transmission. Some people think that just because they are feeling fine, wearing a mask is not necessary. What they don't realize is that the person with whom they are interacting might be infected. If you are not comfortable wearing a mask, we suggest starting slow. Begin wearing a mask while watching television or gardening while at home. It will help you get habituated. There are different kinds of masks available in the market to aid the customers. Find your fit and check for breathability.  


  • Touching door handles at high traffic places: 

Though the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) has confirmed that COVID-19 is spreading from human-to-human contact, touching contaminated surfaces pose an equal threat. Once if you touch a contaminated surface, and in your subconscious mind don’t realize, you may touch your face, eyes or nose after that. If you are stepping out of your house to go to a restaurant or any other high traffic place, then using the doorknob to enter is inevitable. Experts have suggested using the back of your hand or using your elbow to push through and enter. If you are someone who touches their faces frequently, then use a napkin to touch the doorknob and dispose of it. Wash your hands thoroughly with an alcohol-based solution or hand wash liquid for a minimum of twenty seconds frequently. A disinfectant wipe also solves the purpose. This is a prime example oh how practically prevention is better than cure, one small change can go a long way.


  • Taking public transit frequently:

With the unlock happening in phases throughout the nation, many organizations have started reopening their organizations. Employees are now reporting in different shifts to abide by the social distancing norms. It is common knowledge that most people commute to their workplaces via the public transits. Travelling by public transport should be avoided as much as possible. These are closed and crowded places with very little distancing. With the high frequency of commuters, it gets difficult for the sanitation workers to sanitize the seats and handles that quickly. We understand that sometimes these circumstances can be unavoidable. So, we suggest the following steps that you can follow to ensure your safety while travelling:

  • Do not keep your bags or any other personal belonging on the floor.

  • Avoid touching any door handles or knobs. Use your elbows to push through or use napkins.

  • Leave work a little earlier than usual to avoid the rush hours.

  • If possible, wear gloves along with the face mask. Avoid touching the poles inside buses, trains and subways. Carry hand sanitizers.

  • If you see someone sneezing or coughing near you, move away.

  • Don’t use your phone while travelling. Our phones are something that we cannot do without but also has the maximum germ content on their surfaces.

  • Under no circumstances, touch your face. 

  • Wash your hands as soon as you find water and soap.

  • Take a thorough shower after getting home and wash the clothes that you had worn, too.


  • Consuming over the counter medicines: 

The World Health Organization has specifically mentioned that in case if someone is not feeling well, the only over the counter medicine that can be taken is paracetamol. No other drug should be self-administered. If you are feeling feverish, have a mild cough and cold, get tested for COVID-19. Do not wait for the situation to worsen. Quarantining and taking the right nutrition, with the prescribed medicines by the doctors, can cure the infection in a short amount of time. If you are suffering from any pre-existing medical condition, then don’t take any over the counter medicine without consulting with your doctor. Research has shown that anti-inflammatory medication that is used to treat hypertension in diabetes patients can cause serious complications for COVID-19.


  • Skipping the needed medical care: 

A team of researchers of the John Hopkins Community Physicians have found that fewer people are going for their health check-up from fear of contracting the virus. Most of the emergency rooms are seeing fewer cases of heart attacks, strokes or acute appendicitis. Parents are also putting off visits to the paediatricians, trying to protect their children from the COVID-19 virus. However, waiting too long to get the health concerns checked by the doctors is leading to life-threatening situations. Patients are only approaching their doctors when the condition gets unavoidable. It is advisable to consult family doctors for regular check-ups. Set up your appointments on time. Paediatric clinics are taking special care to accommodate new-born children, infants and toddlers below the age of 24 months, in a single day. Follow the social distancing norms and wear masks whenever you are stepping out of your house. 


  • Forgetting to disinfect the frequently touched surfaces: 

Not sterilizing the exposed surfaces is a grave mistake. Though the coronavirus spreads through person-to-person contact, it is still advised to sanitize the objects and surfaces. If you accidentally touch a surface which was previously touched by an infected person and the place that the same hand on your face or mouth, you are now prone to contracting the infection. Therefore, clean the hard surfaces with alcohol-based solutions or disinfectant wipes. Wipe down your electronic devices with wipes, especially your phone. For the soft covers, try to get them laundered. Clean the floors and knobs more frequently if you have kids at home. You can spread bleaching powder around your garden corners to keep away mosquitoes and other bugs. 

  • Touching your face: 

After discussing the above points, you might feel that this point, in particular, is trivial. Touching one's face is a small mistake that can cost everything. Most of us subconsciously touch our faces more than a hundred times in a day. Nose picking, biting our nails, trying to tear the little dry strip of skin from our lips, are things we all will admit to doing, embarrassingly. To try and control this habit, ask your family and friends to constantly point it out to you. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water so your risks are reduced even if you do touch your face. Do not rely too much on sanitizers. Clean your face with face washes at least twice in a day. Apply a moisturizer based on your skin type. Keep yourself hydrated. 


  • Anxiety and Panic: 

The last but the most important point, Do Not Panic. Constantly worrying about the unforeseen circumstances can take a serious toll on both your physical and mental health. Stay away from social media if the posts there are making you anxious. Rely on trusted sources to get your facts right. Reach out and seek help if you feel that you are unable to cope with this situation on your own. Try to keep your mind diverted or engaged with positive vibes! 


These ten things, that we have mentioned in these articles are mistakes that everyone should avoid. Small missteps,  like not wearing a face mask before stepping outside can cost you and your loved ones. Along with the points mentioned above, get enough exercise and eat a healthy and balanced diet. This sums up the reasons how we can implement small changes and prove that prevention is better than cure!

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